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Monday, June 27, 2011

Topman - The Brogue (sold)

Topman Shoes
The Brogue - traditionally characterized by multiple-piece, sturdy leather uppers with decorative perforations. Modern brogues trace their roots to a rudimentary shoe originating in Scotland and Ireland that was constructed using untanned leather with perforations that allowed water to drain from the shoes when the wearer crossed wet terrain such as a bog
Material: 100% leather/ rubber
100% from UK
Size: UK7/US8
Condition: Brand New with Box
Price: RM185   160 (inclusive postage and packaging)

Lou Reed x Metallica

Thanks to for the photos

This one of the biggest collab for this year; Metallica and Lou Reed (Ex-Velvet Underground). Lou Reed describe to Rolling Stones, "A marriage made in heaven, I knew it from the first day we played together: 'Oh, man, this is perfection, right in front of me.'"

Reed and Metallica first played together in October 2009, at the 25th Anniversary Rock and Roll Hall of Fame concerts in New York.

Ulrich says the album is "90 percent" finished. But there are no release plans yet. Reed does not have a record deal, and Metallica are no longer on Warner Bros. "We are free to go wherever," Ulrich says. "I'm obviously psyched for people to hear this, in whatever way we feel is right."

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Riot Tuxedo

We've discover Riot Tuxedo from States on 2009, since then, Riot Tuxedo is one of the coolest street brand we ever discover. Therefore, we drop an email to Creative/Founder Brian to get the inspiration.

1) Can you tell us about what inspired you to start Riot Tuxedo?

Youthful spirit

2) What is your philosophy behind the brand?

"Your not the boss of me"

3) Does Riot Tuxedo reflect your own personal style? If yes, in what ways?

Youthful spirit. I'm my own boss

4) Where did the name Riot Tuxedo come from? What is peoples perception of the name Riot Tuxedo?

It rolls well off the tongue. Not sure, it's open to many interpretations. Tuxedo cats are cool.

5) What is the future plan for RT?

 Just havin' fun with it...

6) Heard that you are into popular culture, what do you hate most and like most about pop culture?

I do find it an interesting topic. Not really sure what defines it really, I should Google it! Googling, is that Pop Culture? Im kinda addicted to that!...Cell phones/texting are outta control...twitter/facebook. Hate how Pop unavoidably gets into my head though-like that I can name a child of Brangelina!...What is it called when you put two words/names together like that? Annoying!

I liked it -Pop Culture- way more when I was younger, like most I guess. Now I dig through the trash like everybody else, pick and choose, there are treasures to be found, mostly trash...sometimes thats good. I think I have better taste than anyone!

7) what kind of music do you listen to?

Well what have you got?

8)Any fashion label that you like most?


9) Any last shout to the world?

Go Riot or Go Home!

Check out the website and buy the products from : 

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Maternal Disaster

Maternal Disaster, a Bandung label, blacken brand with rebel attitude. This a local cult brand that combined crust metal punk music and fashion into one. Check it out the interview:-

1) Can you tell us about what have inspired you to start Maternal Disaster?

Very inspiring for us is everything that is paradoxical and ironic,because there where the essence of concrete reality. and when applied into a form of course desire will be a very kick ass

2) What is your philosophy behind the the brand?

The philosophy is like old hacienda building a cathedral on top of old debris.We make history, hopefully a lot of money.

3) Does Maternal Disaster reflect your own personal style? If yes, in what ways?

Yes, it reflects all that we think tastes great. From various things, of a trivial everyday, music, movies, books, until things mystical story.

 4) Where did the name Maternal Disaster come from?

Derived from a friend, he was a first originator of the name. Now he has the most dangerous hc / punk bands in Bandung  named Milisi Kecoa.Hopefully people perceive our brand as an epidemic of infectious, of course in terms of being popular 'magnum opus'.

5) What is the future plan for Maternal Disaster?
Our next plans will collaborate with Astronautboys, most biting local artist's
when creating iconic characters.

    6) Heard that you are anti popular culture, what do you hate most and like most about pop culture?
    Actually we didn't hate popular culture, because when we talk about culture must have an excess or an exceeding of the culture itself. possible sentences that fit the feel of allergies, against all forms of popular culture, examples of the most cool about popular culture read Umberto Eco 'jaunt in hiperrealitas'
    7) what kind of music do listen to? Any fashion label do you like most? All the music we listen to, from Black Metal, Grindcore, sludge / drone / doom, punk / hc,new wave music, noise, etc. But we are currently listening now is the music like Khanate, Corrupted and Otesanek. The reason they really reflect the soft side of a very evil
         8) Any last shout to the world?

Like the quote from Gladwell Malcollm 'Tipping Point' A person who has the idea of ​​excess when handling the right lever would have been able to shift the position of earth in his position.

Where can you get the products? You can order via  or perhaps just drop an email to: .

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Clarks- Made in Italy (sold)

Made in Italy - Limited Edition
Calf Leather
Size: UK4/US5
Condition: Brand New with Box
Price: RM 240 including postage and packaging

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Amebix: In Crust We Trust

Amebix -a legendary Crust Punk from Britain. A new release, first material
in 23 years & the album called "Knights of The Black Sun". They have influence
Dark Throne, Guns N' Roses, Nirvana, Metallica and even Lady Gaga recently wear
their patch on her crust jeans. Check them out!!

Monday, June 6, 2011

in solitude

In Solitude
This is what we are waiting for, a generation that can replace Iron Maiden and Merciful Fate. The lads are from Sweden, where ABBA and In Flames come from. ' The World, The Flesh, The Devil ' is the title of their new release. The album reminds EGS of  'The Number of The Beast's Iron Maiden. or maybe KingDiamond..Abigail.What can we say...just get album don't steal them without permission.
Soon,we will bring over King Diamond t-shirts to the audience.