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Saturday, September 12, 2009

MNMUR - Upcycling Design







From Turin, Italy to the world, we present MNMUR. The brand that inspired us when we met Laura/ Marcos at Camden Market last month. Lovely couple with great vision of sustainable future fashion:

1) Can you tell us about what have inspired you to start Mnmur ?

We caught the inspiration while we were travelling around Europe.
We have always been attracted to those places where people contribute their creativity to make their surroundings beautiful,

we really wanted to express 100% of our skills and creativity, we both wanted to create something who reflect a bit of our time, and once we discovered you can use old bike tube to create something unique, very strong and so sexy, we couldn't wait to start create something our own.

We both didn't have any experience with sewing machine and all this stuffs you need to know to create a bag or a wallet, so we started with really simple design and from the first experiment a whole world of possibilities was in our hands.

2) What is your philosophy behind the brand?

Mnmur is a eco-design project that conjugates environmental conservation and creativity. Mnmur employs exclusively recycled inner bike tubes and transforms and recreates them in new objects. In the same breath mnmur express our wish for give life to our ideas, our creativity.

3) Does Mnmur reflect your own personal style? If yes, in what ways?

Yes, mnmur reflects our personal style. Our products have been created following the idea of simplicity, practicality.

Our job was born by the desire to express ourselves, our creativity , imagination, our products reflects our ideas. Mnmur is the result of a project that includes many ideas, and one of these is our idea of style.

4) Where did the name Mnmur come from? how does the people perceived Mnmur?

We were looking for a cool name, somethig wicked and easy, but all the words were already been taken, so we invented a new word! Mnmur is a fantasy word, but it has partial correspondance with the word minimal. This is in fact a feature of our products. It is pronounced “minimur” but it is written without “i”. The reason of this choice is to give a graphic effect. Many people read it like "mon amur" wich is not that bad :)

5) What is the future plan for Mnmur?

There are many ideas that we would like to realise, at the moment our aim is to improve better and better the quality of our products, we are working hard to spread our work to a bigger audience, we hope soon to open our first shop in our city Turin (Italy). In the same time we love to experiment new materials and trying new design, watching around and start new collaboration with people with our passion.

6) Where and how to purchase the Mnmur products?

Soon there will be the possibility to purchase our products on line, but at the moment people write us and ask what they are interested to buy. Mnmur is presents in many shops in Turin (Italy), but we hope that there will be the possibility to arrive also in other cities and countries.

7) Any last shout to the world?
Peace, recycle and reuse - Interview by Emmet Garage Sales

click here to purchase MNMUR!

@all rights reserved and do not ever copy and paste without permission
by emmet garage sales

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