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Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Happy Birthday Nevermind!

Nevermind is the album that change my perception about Punk Rock philosophy. It did change my genre of music from thrash metal, Kreator, Destruction, Sodom, Metallica to Grunge. It was absolutely fill my desire towards rage, frustrations on mainstream music and rebellious. It also fill my desire towards to be punk rock youth without having studs, mohawk hair and skinny jeans.

First song that struck me was "Smells Like Teen Spirit" and "Breed" was my second favourite. it became my skate anthem and it kills everyone favourite's "black" album Metallica and Use Your Illusion 1&2. From Nirvana, i discover Pixies, Mudhoney, Sonic Youth,Melvins, Meat Puppets and many more. They are truly punk rock, they never wear any rock t-shirts unless the bands from Seattle. You name it, Sonic Youth, Soundgarden, Melvins, Mudhoney, L7 and ,Flippers. Sonic Youth, Thurston Moore once Nirvana (with Nevermind album) , they taken a piss out of rock n"roll". GDC never expected Nevermind would sell millions. Nirvana never though of knocking Micheal Jackson, Bad album to park on 1st in Billboard.

Since then Nevermind has change my life completely. In Utero, resonates my aplitude more towards Grunge. Thank you Nirvana and

Happy Birthday Nevermind!


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